Do you find that your schedule is overloaded and there is no break in site? August is a tough month for my family. I think it is as hard as Christmas, if not harder. Three out of 4 of us have birthdays in August that come along with birthday parties, back to school supplies, clothes shopping for those who grew over the summer, and monthly child-care for the summer. I know this is a busy time with the ages of my kiddos, and this is a season of life that will not go on forever, but I get to the end of August each year with a heavy heart, a little less money in the bank and a whole lot of exhaustion. Each year I think I am going to slow down and say no to a few things to make this time of year more peaceful. Then I overbook, over commit, over-spend and become grumbly. My family and I pay the price each year. By the end of the month, we are at odds with each other and there is little joy to be found.
God made us to need rest. He gave us the power to say no. Why do we feel our obligations are more important than our state of mind? This is not for a lack of planning or saving more money throughout the year to manage the expenses, this is a problem of the heart.
Matthew 11:28-30 "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light."
I did a little more research to figure out what exactly is meant by “take my yoke upon you”. A yoke is a wooden piece that was attached to two animals (oxen in Jesus' day) around their heads that forced the animals to walk in unison and share the load of the work of what they were pulling or carrying.
Here, Christ is willing to walk with us and share our burdens so that we are not overwhelmed by our load, but are instead united with Christ, moving together in unison for the purpose of the task. More importantly, it is a place to walk with Christ to refresh our soul.
Jeremiah 31:25 “For I will satisfy the weary soul, and every languishing soul I will replenish.”
The very thought of my savior replenishing my soul gives me hope that my exhaustion is a temporary condition. That Jesus is enough to meet every need. That I do not have to gut it out and walk alone. That my savior knows what my strengths and weaknesses are, and He is willing to walk alongside me and give restoration for my soul whether my problems are self-imposed or not.
I know what you are thinking, your problems are self-imposed! I readily admit that I allow this time of year to make me crazy. I am a person that loves to spoil those around me with good things and there is no other time like a birthday to make each person feel special. Then I want my kids to feel confident in their school clothes and provide them with all the supplies they will need for the upcoming year. Every parent wants that for their children.
I am convicted to teach my children what it means to find rest in the Lord and that they should allow Christ to walk alongside them each day to help them carry their loads. I have a lot of room for growth in this area and I want my children to see me play out the yoke in real time.
One of the things that I desperately need to develop is a sense of my limitations and the ability to recognize my tendency to over-do. Believe it or not, I have made some head way in this area over the last couple of years. Discovering my ability to say no makes all the things I choose to do more joyful. Christ knows me and knit me together in my mother’s womb. He is not surprised to see my generous heart and knows that the “no” can be hard for me. Walking alongside Christ while sharing our yoke will teach me what Christ deems important and where Christ extends His efforts.
I encourage you to take a look at what things in your life right now will throw you into a tailspin. I pray that you will recognize your tendencies and understand that God created you and knows you intimately. He wants to give your soul a place to rest. He wants to replenish you. Will you allow him to share a yoke with you and walk alongside you through every moment?
Lord, walk with me and work through me. Let me find rest for my weary soul in you. Please give me perspective on what I should be expending my efforts on. Thank you that you know me and love me. Thank you that you delight in me. I ask for your wisdom and grace to abound in my heart and my home! I love you, Lord!